Becca Fitzpatrick Says Hush, Hush

Here’s a book that seems to look interesting on the outside but kind of disappoints on the inside from what a lot of readers who have reviewed have said. It still sounds fascinating. Author Becca Fitzpatrick has written a young adult novel entitled Hush, Hush which she and Simon & Schuster are both obviously trying to market to the Twilight / Vampire Chronicles crowd. Instead of pretty boys with fangs though, she is using fallen angels for her targets of teenage girls’ desires. Now I’m not going to start throwing stones at a book I haven’t even read, but judging by a few of the more in-depth reviews I read on Amazon, the book is kind of slow and doesn’t really pick up for quite a while. I’d love to hear some feedback from anyone who has read the book. The main protagonist in the book is a fallen angel named Patch. I have to say that’s a pretty lame name for a fallen angel, but I also don’t have a major book published either. I’m not certain what religious angle (if any) the book comes from, but if anyone knows please comment. I’d be interested in hearing. Does Patch end up being a demon (which is what fallen angels really are in the Christian religion) or is he just a Nephilim (the product of a human/fallen Angel coupling), who had no choice in his being born? After the jump, you can check out a synopsis of the book, a video trailer, and some info about the author.
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